
Non-Profit Content Strategy

Isabel Conrad, Nia Costello, Felicia Kloewer, Bradley Paynter, Rachel Whitaker

Audit | Strategy Document | Deck


Mwanzo asked for a new content strategy that would help grow their audience and increase donations.

Our strategy focused on building a shared identity between the organization and its donors. We also focused on a number of ways the organization can encourage the desired behavior on different page types.

Project Goal

Let the Audience Discover who Mwanzo is through its content, design, symbols, and text

Promote Mwanzo’s strengths through its programs

Make opportunities for the audience to respond to calls to action

Create a narrative to help the audience understand

What Mwanzo does

Why it matters

How to help

Problems to Solve

Misalignment of brand and user identities

Absence of guidelines and framework for content creation

Audience uninterest in site content

Lack of desired respond to calls-to-action

Measuring Success

  1. Objective

    • Attract new donors 

    • Retain donors

  2. KPIs

    • Donor growth (year-over-year)

    • Average gift size growth

    • Donor retention rate

  3. Metrics

    • The number of new donors (YOY) that’s needed to meet organizational goals

    • Social media engagement (likes, shares, comments)

    • Click-through-rate on call to action (CTA) on webpages, social media, newsletters
