Expedia Flight Results Page

Content Strategy

Wendy (Hsin-Hui) Cheng, Conner Garrison, Chenchen Gu, Yijin Kim, Bradley Paynter

Strategy Doc | Implementation Plan | Deck | Wireframes


As part of our degree program, we examined a small aspect of Expedia’s desktop website: the flights search results page. We conducted content, mobile and accessibility audits, made new strategy recommendations and presented prototypes to visualize the strategy.


In an effort to be the expert that works for its audience, search results overwhelm the audience and prevents them from having a positive experience at each stage of their flight-booking journey.

Project Goal

Help users find their preferred options quicker and move them towards making a purchase.

Desired Result

The change in strategy will show

  1. Conversion increase as abandon rates decrease

  2. Improved user experience with less content

  3. Unambiguous call to action increases user response

  4. User moves quickly through the site


If Expedia reduces the amount of flight information and combines the current two pages for selecting flights into one page

Then, customers can find their desired flights more quickly and more customers will move to the next step, the purchase page.

Because they can look through the flight information more easily.


  • Redesign the result box with reorganized and reduced content

  • Place both options for departure and return flights on one page

  • Allow users to see desired flights only by clicking on the checkbox

  • Replace drop-down menu for Details & baggage fees, and allow users to see the info by hovering

  • Increase font size for the price


Reducing content on the Flights Search Results page helps users locate their preferred option and moves them towards completing their reservation. 

Track progress through these measurements:

  • Click-through rate,

  • Time on page,

  • Bounce rate and abandonment count. 

If the number of exits increases, reduce the loading time so users can quickly view results.